Hello, my name is Pastor Clayton Reed. My wife Michelle and I lead the Potter’s House Pingzhen church. We’ve been in Taiwan for more than years, originally pioneering a church in Shulin for a year and a half and then took over this work in Pingzhen.

We came to Taiwan after ten and a half years of ministry in the US. Pioneering and pastoring a church in Fontana, California, and then pastoring a work in Riverside, California.
I trained and worked as an electrician prior to full-time ministry, but now work exclusively in the ministry.
I became a Christian on May 13, 1986 at the Door Christian Fellowship in Colton, while serving in the United States Air Force. While in Colton, I served as Worship leader and Drama Team leader. Michelle and I have two sons who are still in California. They are saved, serving God and attending church there.
哈囉! 我是列得‧克雷頓牧師。我的太太蜜雪兒跟我一同在陶匠之家平鎮教會牧會。我們已在台灣居住多年,之前我們是在樹林開創教會約一年半後再來接管平鎮教會。
我在一九八六年的五月十三日信主,當時是參加位在科爾頓的the Door基督團契教會,那時的我還在美國空軍服役。當還在科爾頓教會聚會時,我接任敬拜領唱及戲劇團領隊的事工。